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Teeth Grinding Can Create Big Issues For Your Smile

Teeth grinding is the kind of problem you should certainly not ignore. If you try to pretend the problem is not affecting you, or if you just hope it will improve on its own, you could find yourself experiencing worsening symptoms. Your problems can be connected to TMJ dysfunction, which means you can suffer regular bouts of pain and discomfort. Your smile can also be in jeopardy, as you can do damage with excessive grinding. Your McKinney, TX dentist’s office can recognize when teeth grinding and TMJ dysfunction are affecting a patient, and talk about treatment options.

Are You Dealing With TMJ Dysfunction Or Bruxism?

What kind of symptoms often accompany TMJ dysfunction and bruxism? Pain and soreness, particularly in the mornings, can be an issue for someone with a frequent teeth grinding habit. TMJ issues can also cause you to suffer headaches, as well as pain and stiffness in your neck, jaw joints, and even shoulders.

Providing Protection With A Special Oral Appliance

If your dentist reviews your oral health and determines you have an issue with bruxism and TMJ dysfunction, an oral appliance may be what you need for relief. Using this appliance at night can help you alleviate pressures that are affecting your jaw joints or muscles. As a result, you can reduce your issues with pain. A special mouth guard can also keep your teeth safe from teeth grinding, as the problem frequently occurs in the nighttime.

Taking Care To Address Damage To Your Teeth Done By Bruxism

Unfortunately, some patients will wait until they suffer dental damage to take action about bruxism. If you come to your dentist with concerns about wear and tear, or dental damage, you can out about your treatment options. If your issues are relatively minor, meaning the health of your teeth are not affected by wear and tear, cosmetic dental work can be useful. Porcelain veneers can restore the shape of teeth, making your smile seem more youthful, and healthier. If you have teeth that are chipped or cracked, and need more support, custom dental crowns may be needed to properly address the situation.

Illume Dental Is Ready To Help You Restore Your Smile If You Have Issues With Teeth Grinding

If you are experiencing issues with TMJ dysfunction and bruxism, you can seek care at Illume Dental! Our practice can provide you with a custom-made appliance to reduce your discomfort, and protect your teeth. You can also have work done to restore damage caused by bruxism. For more information, please call Illume Dental in McKinney, TX, today at (469) 301-1255 to schedule care with Dr. Chen.