Smile Brighter with Our Post-Op Instructions for Dental Bridges

Are you considering getting a dental bridge to restore your smile and improve your oral health? Or have you recently undergone the procedure and are looking for guidance on how to properly care for your new bridgework? 

Whatever the case may be, this blog post is here to help! We understand that undergoing any type of dental treatment can be nerve-wracking, but with our informative guide on post-operative instructions for dental bridges, we hope to ease your worries and set you up for success in maintaining a healthier, brighter smile. 

So sit back, relax, and keep reading as we break down everything you need to know about caring for your new dental bridge.

Immediate Post-Op Care

  1. Sensitivity: It is normal to experience some sensitivity in the treated area after receiving a dental bridge. This sensitivity should subside within a few days to a week. If it is essential, pain medications that are available without a prescription can assist ease discomfort.
  2. Avoid Chewing on Hard Foods: Avoid chewing on hard or crunchy foods for the first 24 hours after getting your dental bridge. Stick to a soft diet to minimize stress on the bridge.
  3. Oral Hygiene: Keep up with your regular routine of maintaining good dental hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth gently, not exert excessive pressure around the bridge. Try a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste protect the bridge surfaces.

Diet and Nutrition

  1. Avoid Sticky or Hard Foods: Avoid sticky or hard foods can put excessive pressure on your dental bridge. Examples include chewing ice, hard candies, and caramel.
  2. Limit Acidic Foods and Drinks: Foods and drinks with acid weaken the tooth enamel surrounding the dental bridge. Eat them sparingly and then wash your mouth with water.

Oral Habits

  1. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Wearing a nightguard might prevent harm to your jaw and teeth from grinding or clenching dental bridge and prevent damage. Consult your dentist for a custom-fitted nightguard.
  2. Avoid Nail Biting and Chewing: Refrain from biting your nails or using your teeth to open bottles or packages since doing so can harm your dental bridge.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

  1. Routine Check-Ups: Continue to schedule and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings at Illume Dental of McKinney. These appointments are crucial in order to keep your natural teeth healthy and your veneers from wearing down over time, your dental bridge.
  2. Professional Cleanings: Dental hygienists will use non-abrasive techniques to clean your dental bridge and ensure it remains free of stains and plaque.

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Sensitivity: As mentioned earlier, tooth sensitivity is common initially. Suppose it persists beyond a few days or worsens; contact your dentist for evaluation.
  2. Chipping or Cracking: While dental bridges are long-lasting, however they are nevertheless vulnerable to damage from impacts. If you notice any damage to your dental bridge, contact your dentist immediately to assess and repair it.
  3. Loose Bridge: In rare cases, a dental bridge may become loose. Contact your dentist immediately if your bridge is open or has come off. Could you not attempt to reattach it yourself?

Emergency Situations

In case of severe pain, sudden damage, or any other dental emergency related to your dental bridge, please immediately contact Illume Dental of McKinney for assistance.

Long-Term Care

  1. Oral Hygiene: Continue practicing excellent oral hygiene. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss every day. Regular dental cleanings are crucial to maintaining the health of your dental bridge and natural teeth.
  2. Mouthwash: Consider using a non-alcoholic, fluoride mouthwash to help maintain the health of your teeth and dental bridge.
  3. Regular Check-Ups: Schedule and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings as recommended by your dentist to monitor the condition of your dental bridge.
  4. Bridge Replacement: Dental bridges typically last for many years but may need replacement due to wear and tear. Your dentist will assess your condition during regular check-ups and recommend replacements when necessary.

Investing in dental bridges not only benefits your oral health but also enhances your smile. By following these post-operative instructions and aftercare guidelines, you can ensure that your dental bridge stays functional and aesthetically pleasing for years to come. 

At Illume Dental of McKinney, our dedicated team is here to provide you with unwavering support throughout your bridge journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are fully committed to your oral health and overall well-being.