Headaches Dental Issues

Headache Relief with McKinney TX Dentist

Illume Dental in McKinney, TX – Relieve headaches with our dental expertise. Discover the connection between oral health and pain relief.

Understanding the Link Between Dental Issues and Headaches

It’s estimated that up to 40% of headaches are actually caused by dental issues. This is because the nerves and muscles in your teeth, jaw, and face are all connected to your head. When there’s a problem with any of these areas, it can trigger a headache. These types of headaches are often referred to as “dental related headaches” or “orofacial pain.”

Even something as seemingly harmless as a misaligned bite can cause headaches. Improper alignment of teeth can cause tension in the jaw muscles, resulting in headaches.

What Dental Problems Cause Headaches? 

Several dental problems can contribute to headaches, including:

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding or Clenching): Bruxism can lead to muscle tension and headaches, particularly in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area.
  • Malocclusion (Misaligned Bite): An improper bite alignment can lead to muscle strain, jaw pain, and headaches.
  • TMJ Disorders: Temporomandibular joint disorders, which affect the jaw joint’s function, can result in referred pain to the head and cause headaches.
  • Dental Infections: Infections affecting the teeth or gums, such as dental abscesses or periodontal disease, can cause inflammation and pain that may extend to the head region.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth without fully erupting or are impacted can cause headaches and jaw pain.

Can Dental Infections Cause Headaches? 

Yes, dental infections can cause headaches. When a tooth or gum becomes infected, it can cause tissue irritation. This inflammation can pressure nearby nerves, including the head and neck, leading to headache pain. Dental abscesses, which are pockets of infection at the root of a tooth, are particularly known for causing severe and throbbing headaches.

How Do You Know if Your Headache is from Your Teeth? 

Identifying whether your headache is related to dental issues can sometimes be challenging, as headache pain can be similar across various causes. However, several signs and clues may suggest a dental-related headache:

  • Jaw Pain: For jaw discomfort or discomfort, especially when chewing, it may indicate a dental issue contributing to your headache.
  • Tooth Pain: Dental-related headaches may accompany tooth pain or sensitivity, especially in the affected area.
  • Changes in Bite: If you notice changes in your bite alignment or have difficulty opening or closing your mouth, it may be related to a dental problem.
  • Tenderness in the TMJ Area: If you have passion or pain around your TMJ joint, it may suggest a connection between your headache and dental issues.
  • History of Dental Problems: If you have an account of dental problems like bruxism, dental infections, or TMJ disorders, these may contribute to your headaches.

How to Prevent Dental Related Headaches

The good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent dental related headaches from occurring. Maintaining optimal oral hygiene is crucial. This entails brushing your teeth twice a day, regular flossing, and scheduling routine visits to your dentist for cleanings and check-ups. By preserving the health of your teeth and gums, you can prevent dental problems that may result in headaches.

If you experience bruxism, it is recommended to consult with your dentist regarding the option of a custom-fitted mouthguard. This will help safeguard your teeth against grinding and reduce strain on your jaw muscles during sleep.

In the case of TMJ, there are several treatment options available to alleviate pain and discomfort. Your dentist may recommend using a splint or mouthguard, physical therapy exercises, or even Botox injections to relieve tension in your jaw muscles.

If a toothache is causing your headaches, the best course of action is to visit your dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to identify and treat the underlying issue, whether it’s a cavity or infection, and provide relief from the pain.

It’s crucial to consult a dentist if you suspect dental issues are causing your headaches. A thorough dental evaluation can help identify the underlying problem and guide appropriate treatment. Addressing dental-related headaches relieves pain and ensures the overall health and well-being of your oral and craniofacial structures. 

At Illume Dental of McKinney, our experienced team is committed to comprehensive dentistry addressing dental problems contributing to headaches for our patient’s comfort and well-being.