All-On-4 Dental Implants

Smile confidently with All-On-4.

Transform your smile and quality of life with All-On-4 dental implants for stable, natural-looking teeth.

Discover the Difference of All-on-4 Dental Implants

When you’re looking to replace a missing tooth, dentistry has got you covered with a bunch of options to choose from. One popular and innovative solution is the All-on-4 dental implants. Lately, this procedure has been getting a lot of attention because it offers tons of benefits compared to traditional dental implants.

At Illume Dental, we understand that a confident smile can profoundly impact your life. If you’ve been living with the discomfort and inconvenience of missing teeth or traditional dentures, our All-On-4 Dental Implants offer a transformative solution that combines the best modern dentistry. 

With a professional yet friendly tone, let’s explore why All-On-4 Dental Implants might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Traditional Dental Implants Vs. All-on-4

Traditional dental implants involve placing individual titanium posts into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. This process can take several months as it requires multiple surgeries and a healing period for each post to fuse with the jawbone. Once this is complete, a dental crown or bridge is attached to the post.

On the other hand, All-on-4 dental implants use only four strategically placed posts to support a full arch of teeth. The procedure involves placing two front posts vertically and two back posts at an angle to maximize support and stability.

With this technique, you don’t have to worry about bone grafting anymore. It’s a great choice for patients who have low bone density.

Factors to Consider Before an All-on-4 Dental Procedure

Prior to undergoing any dental procedure, it is crucial to take into account different factors to guarantee optimal results. Here are some important aspects to remember before getting All-on-4 dental implants:

  • Overall health: As with any surgery, it is crucial to inform your dentist about any pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking. This information is important in assessing your suitability for the procedure and ensuring necessary safety measures are taken.
  • Oral health: Before getting All-on-4 dental implants, it is important to have good oral hygiene and healthy gums. If you have any underlying dental issues such as gum disease or decay, your dentist will likely recommend addressing these before proceeding with the procedure.
  • Maintenance: To ensure the long-lasting durability of All-on-4 dental implants, it is important to properly maintain them and practice good oral hygiene. It’s all about taking care of those chompers!
  • Lifestyle changes: After getting All-on-4 dental implants, you may need to make some lifestyle changes to protect your new teeth. Avoid hard or sticky foods and quit smoking so they won’t affect the healing process.
  • Long-term costs: While All-on-4 dental implants may seem like a more costly option upfront, they can save you money in the long run compared to traditional dental implants. If you take good care of your All-on-4 dental implants and give them the TLC they deserve, they can stick with you for life! Say goodbye to constant replacements or repairs.

Is It Expensive?

One of the main concerns people have about All-on-4 dental implants is its cost. Sure, dental implants might look pricey compared to traditional options, but there are a few things you should think about before making a decision based solely on cost:

  • Number of implants: All-on-4 dental implants only require four implants per arch, compared to traditional dental implants that may require up to eight or more. This can significantly reduce the cost of the procedure.
  • Bone grafting: In some cases, patients may need bone grafting before getting traditional dental implants, which can add to the overall cost. With All-on-4 dental implants, bone grafting is not always necessary, making it a more cost-effective option.
  • Shorter treatment time: All-on-4 dental implants can be placed and restored in one visit, while traditional dental implants may require multiple visits over several months. This not only saves you time but also reduces the overall cost of the procedure.

What are the Risks?

When it comes to All-on-4 dental implants, they generally have a good success rate. But just like any surgery, there are risks to be aware of. Before going ahead with the procedure, it’s important to consider some potential risks that might come along with it:

  • Infection: Just like any surgery, there’s always a chance of getting an infection where the implant goes in. It’s something to be aware of, but it’s not too common. Proper oral hygiene and following post-operative instructions can help reduce this risk.
  • Nerve damage: The placement of implants near nerve endings can potentially lead to nerve damage. This risk is higher in traditional dental implants, as they require more implants and may be placed closer to nerves.
  • Implant failure: While rare, there is a chance that one or more of the implants may fail, leading to the need for replacement. This risk can be minimized by choosing an experienced and qualified dentist for your All-on-4 procedure.
  • Sinus problems: Sometimes, when dental implants are placed in the upper jaw, they can lead to sinus problems. This is more common with traditional dental implants that require sinus augmentation, but it is still a potential risk to consider with All-on-4 implants.

All-on-4 dental implants offer a revolutionary solution for those seeking full mouth restoration. It provides a more affordable, efficient, and convenient option compared to traditional dental implants. 

However, it is essential to consider all factors and potential risks before deciding if All-on-4 implants are the right choice for you. Consult with our qualified dentist at Illume Dental to know the best treatment plan for your specific needs and budget.

Give us a call to get started! 


Frequently Asked Questions -
All-On-4 Dental Implants

Have Questions? Need Answers?

At Illume Dental, we’re always here to clarify and guide. Never hesitate to ask; your oral health is our top priority!

  • How long do dental implants last?

    Dental implants can have a lifetime span when given proper care. However, it is crucial to uphold excellent oral hygiene and regular dental visits to your dentist to safeguard the longevity of your implants.

  • Who is a candidate for dental implants?

    Most adults with healthy gums and sufficient jawbone density are good candidates for dental implants. However, certain factors may affect your eligibility, such as chronic health conditions like diabetes or tobacco use.

  • Can I still get dental implants if I have gum disease?

    Yes. In other cases, people with gum disease may still be eligible for dental implants. However, it’s essential to address the gum disease first and ensure that your mouth is healthy enough to support the implants.

  • Are there any potential risks or complications that come with dental implants? 

    Like any surgical procedure, there are certain factors to consider such as the possibility of infection, nerve damage, or implant failure. Nevertheless, the success rate for dental implants is generally quite high, and the majority of patients typically do not encounter any major complications.