How Many Dental Checkups Should I Have In A Year?
Every time you receive preventive care during a routine dental checkup, you receive valuable feedback about the state of your smile. You also enjoy a thorough cleaning that can help ensure that you stay free of oral health concerns before your next appointment. Unless told otherwise by your dentist, you should make a point of attending regular dental exams on a semiannual schedule. At our McKinney, TX dental office, we can help ensure that you are receiving fantastic care every time you make an appointment. We are offer a range of modern dental services if you have any oral health issues that are identified in the course of a checkup.
Arranging Regular Semiannual Dental Exams And Cleanings
At six month intervals, you should make your way back to the dentist’s office for routine care. Attending exams at this rate can lead to the early detection and treatment of any issues that might form between appointments. This also provides you with regular protection against tartar, a form of hardened plaque. The trouble with tartar is that deposits remain in place even when you brush and floss, so you can continue to face risks for tooth decay or gum disease from their presence.
What Can You Expect At A Routine Appointment?
At every appointment, you enjoy the benefits of a careful evaluation of your teeth and gums, as well as a thorough professional cleaning. The cleaning you receive removes plaque, tartar, and any food debris that might be left on teeth. These sessions provide effective protection against cavities, and help you avoid gum disease. If your dentist notices signs of gingivitis during your evaluation, your cleaning can include a dedicated periodontal cleaning, which fights bacteria beneath your gums. Your evaluation also gives your dentist the opportunity to look for any evidence of dental decay, or signs of bruxism and TMJ dysfunction.
Discussing Treatment Options If A Problem Is Identified
If your evaluation reveals that you are in good dental health, you can simply schedule your next routine appointment. However, if a problem is identified, you and your dentist can discuss restorative dental care. The treatment recommended will depend on what state your smile is in. People who regularly receive preventive care can have problems found and treated in early stages. For example, someone who develops a cavity can have it spotted in its early stage, and have it restored with a dental filling. If you have had a longer break from routine care, your dentist may find more advanced decay, which can call for a dental crown, and possibly a root canal procedure.
Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup At Illume Dental!
Illume Dental is proud to provide McKinney area families with dedicated smile care! If you are due for your next dental exam, or if you have fallen out of the habit of attending routine checkups, please call our McKinney, TX dental practice at (469) 301-1255.