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3 Reasons To Ask About Dental Implants For Prosthetic Work

If you are ready to do something about your incomplete smile, you can find that modern prosthetic dental work can offer great smile improvements. In fact, you can make an appointment at our McKinney, TX dental practice to learn how you can enjoy permanent support from a lifelike prosthetic, thanks to support from dental implants. With implants in place, it becomes possible to mimic the support that a natural tooth receives from a tooth root. Biting, chewing, and speaking can be more comfortable when you have a secured restoration. You can also enjoy better long-term jaw health, as implants provide important stimulation for the bone.

1. Dental Implants Can Take On Functions Provided By The Roots Of Teeth

If a dental prosthetic is put in place WITHOUT dental implant support, you can still enjoy some important advantages over life with an incomplete smile. However, these restorations only replace the crown of an absent tooth, not its root. One important service provided by the roots of our teeth is jawbone stimulation. That stimulation sends signals to your body to deliver nutrients to the bone, keeping it healthy. Individuals who lose teeth and do not have implant-held restorations can suffer from jawbone deterioration, which can hurt their appearance and oral health.

2. Dental Implants Can Keep Your Restoration Secure

The lifelike dental crown, dental bridge, or denture you use to address tooth loss can have more functional value when you have dental implant support. A secured restoration is able to stay in place, meaning there will be no slipping or sliding causing discomfort. You can also have an easier time when you bite and chew, as your supported restoration can contribute to your efforts. Being able to enjoy a more natural bite means putting less pressure on remaining teeth, and lowering your risk for TMJ dysfunction.

3. An Implant-Held Restoration Can Offer More Support To Neighboring Teeth

The close proximity of our teeth to each other contributes to their stability. The roots of your teeth also benefit from this closeness. When you receive a dental implant, the post is placed in the site where your tooth root was formerly housed. The nearness of your implant to neighboring teeth roots can be important in keeping those roots – and their corresponding teeth – from loosening, or changing positions.

Make An Appointment At Illume Dental To Discuss Dental Implants!

At Illume Dental, patients who want to do something about tooth loss can make an appointment with us to discuss dental implants! At our practice, Dr. Chen can perform most implant placement procedures, making the overall process of restoring your full smile more convenient. We can also help you keep up with your oral health needs, and preserve the health and condition of your remaining teeth over time. For more information, contact Illume Dental in McKinney, TX by calling (469) 301-1255.