McKinney Dentist | Using Lasers To Fight Issues With Gum Disease
Gum disease is not something you want to ignore. When individuals leave a periodontal infection untreated, they can develop periodontitis, which can create significant long-term problems for their oral health. One major concern is with tooth loss – when advanced gum disease forms, the tissues supporting teeth can break down. You might be surprised to learn that complications from gum disease actually leads all other possible causes where it concerns tooth loss. Your dentist understands the threat poor periodontal health can pose. You can look forward to effective periodontal support using advanced laser treatments. By relying on lasers for this treatment, your dentist can perform work with greater precision, and you can enjoy a faster recovery.
How Do I Know If I Have A Problem With Gum Disease?
The early form of gum disease, gingivitis, can cause identifiable symptoms. You may see that your gum tissues have become swollen, or they might seem uncommonly red. If you seem to bleed more easily when you brush and floss, this could be because of a periodontal infection. Paying attention to the condition of your gums while you care for your teeth can help you identify when there might be a problem.
Good Preventive Care Can Help You Sustain Healthy Gums
By attending regular dental exams, you can keep up with the condition of your oral health. In addition to checking for cavities, your dentist will look at your gums, to see if there are any signs that something might be wrong. Early intervention and treatment can ensure that you have a problem stopped before periodontitis forms. Your hygienist will also help by removing any tartar or plaque buildups at the base of your gum line, which can increase your risk for troubles.
Illume Dental Can Help You Address Issues With Gum Disease
Patients who rely on regular dental care from Illume Dental will be able to count on great dental and periodontal support. Our practice is committed to helping patients maintain healthy smiles, by offering preventive support, and by supplying the appropriate restorative care when it is needed. If you are interested in having a consultation with Dr. Chen, call Illume Dental in McKinney, TX, today at (469) 301-1255. We welcome individuals from McKinney, TX, as well as Allen, Plano, Frisco, and all surrounding communities.