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McKinney Dentist | Revealing Your Best Smile Through A Contouring Procedure

Through careful contouring work, your McKinney, TX dentist can help you see remarkable smile improvements. For some patients, dental bonding and contouring will offer the sort of improvements necessary to boost their confidence in their smile. This involves a careful reshaping and resizing of teeth, as well as the application of a composite resin material to hide surface flaws, or make further improvements to a tooth’s shape and size. For some individuals, gum contouring can be necessary for their ideal smile improvements. This work will see your dentist carefully remove excess periodontal tissues that might cover up too much of your teeth. This can also help even out your appearance by giving your gums a more symmetrical look, or by addressing bumpy or bulky tissues.

Correcting Specific Tooth Flaws Through Bonding And Contouring Work

Bonding and contouring work can lead to precise corrections that allow an individual to showcase their ideal smile. If you feel that certain teeth are attracting the wrong kind of attention because they are too large, because they seem misshapen, or because they are otherwise out of place, contouring work can make them fit your smile. Dental bonding involves the application of resin material to hide flaws like dental damage, and discoloration. Bonding can also be done to make a tooth seem larger, or to close a gap between teeth.

Changing Your Smile By Performing A Gum Contouring Procedure

Laser gum contouring can provide serious smile improvements! Through a precise removal of excess or uneven gum tissues, your dentist can make your smile seem more symmetrical. This work can also add length to teeth that appear too short or squat. By using lasers, this work can be highly accurate, and the amount of healing time needed can be reduced.

Finding The Right Approach To Improving Your Smile

Is a contouring procedure the right approach to take when it comes to improving your appearance? For many people, these services can produce the sort of results they have longed to show off, but others can benefit from different treatment options. At our practice, you have several cosmetic dental procedures to choose from when you want to flash a better smile. Porcelain veneers can offer the kind of improvements that dental bonding and contouring can provide. You can have veneers placed to make teeth appear healthier and brighter, while also covering up flaws with their shape. You can even have veneers placed after laser gum contouring, to further provide great improvements to the way you look.

Talk To Illume Dental About Setting Up A Contouring Treatment

If you want to see how a contouring treatment can improve you smile, set up an appointment at Illume Dental! Our McKinney, TX practice is proud to offer this as one of many cosmetic services that are able to greatly improve the way you look. If you have questions, or if you want to make time to meet with Dr. Chen, please call Illume Dental at (469) 301-1255.