McKinney Dentist | Looking Out For Any Oral Health Threats During Your Exam
How much attention is your smile receiving at a typical routine dental checkup? You can certainly expect your dentist to see if you have any cavities that need to be treated. Your periodontal health is also a clear concern. In addition to familiar problems like gum disease and tooth decay, your McKinney, TX dentist is also looking for any oral health troubles that might affect your quality of life. That can include problems with your jaw function, or potential signs of oral cancer. If you tend to only visit the dentist when you think something is wrong, you should be aware that you are missing out on chances to have serious issues caught in their earlier stages, and treated.
Your Smile Can Be Affected By More Than Just Cavities
Proper oral care involves more than just a defense against cavities. At a routine exam, you receive a thorough teeth cleaning, and a review that can identify a wide range of oral health issues. For instance, your dentist can identify issues with your jaw movement, or surprising wear and tear, and recognize how bruxism and TMJ dysfunction might be impacting your quality of life. This can lead to timely treatment, and an end to aches and pains you didn’t even realize your dentist could help you address.
You Can Count On A More Pleasant Experience If You Need Restorative Dental Work
In addition to helping you by identifying oral health issues, your dentist can make sure your experience with restorative dental work is as pleasant as possible. If you are worried about an upcoming procedure, you can discuss the use of dental sedation. By providing safe, gentle sedation, your dentist can help you remain calm and comfortable as your tooth is worked on. You can also feel better about restorative work when you know that your dentist is able to provide you with a lifelike dental filling or dental crown, so your smile will not be adversely changed because you needed a cavity treatment.
The Relationship Between Your Dental Visits, And Your Daily Oral Care Routine
It would be a mistake to look at your best oral care practices as an excuse for skipping regular dental visits. You would also be wrong to assume that consistent good news from your dentist means you can relax a little on caring for your smile at home. Preventive care at home through brushing, flossing, and dieting, along with regular dental exams, can give you the kind of thorough support your smile deserves!
Illume Dental Can Identify Potential Oral Health Threats During Your Exam
If you want to make sure your smile is in the best shape possible, make time to visit Illume Dental for a routine exam! These visits help you by identifying troubles, and providing care when something is amiss with your oral health. To plan your appointment with Dr. Chen, call Illume Dental in McKinney, TX, today at (469) 301-1255.