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McKinney Dentist | Is It Really Time For My Child To Start Seeing The Dentist?

Before you know it, your baby will be old enough to reach some important health milestones, including the milestone of seeing a dentist for the first time. A baby’s initial dental appointment should take place around the time when their first tooth shows up. While the need for regular dental exams can arise at around age three, that first visit is an important one. Your McKinney, TX dentist’s office can make sure your child feels comfortable in this new setting, and they can check on the development of that first tooth. Ongoing appointments provide serious care for kids, and can lead to the identification and treatment of concerns around the development of their oral structures.

Checking On Your Young Child’s Developing Smile

There is more happening with your child’s smile in their early years than the eruption, loss, and ultimate replacement of their baby teeth. As they age, your dentist can pay attention to the growth of their facial structures, jaws, and teeth. That oversight can lead to earlier identification and treatment for troubles. Of course, your dentist is also looking for troubles with tooth decay as well. Restorative dental work is available when needed, and your dentist can use special treatments like the placement of dental sealants and the administering of fluoride to give kids an extra advantage against cavities.

What Can Your Dentist Do To Help Your Child Improve Their Daily Oral Care Routine?

Great care during a regular dental exam can do less for a person’s oral health when they practice poor habits on their own. Your dentist can help your child take better care of their smile by providing helpful instructions on how to properly clean their teeth, and why their oral health should matter to them. Giving instructions on brushing and flossing to kids can help them perform these tasks more effectively, and avoid troubles with tooth decay. When good habits are instilled at a young age, your kids are more likely to continue keeping up with those habits as adults.

Are You Setting The Right Oral Health Example For Your Child?

When you focus on your own oral health needs, it can be easier to show your children how they can take care of their teeth. When you set up their pediatric dental visits, look to secure your own routine dental visits, too. These appointments show you care about your smile, too, and they help you protect yourself against tooth decay and gum disease.

Schedule Your Child’s First Oral Health Checkup At Illume Dental!

Illume Dental is ready to help McKinney families deal with oral health problems, and maintain healthier smiles! Our practice welcomes young patients, and we are ready to offer pediatric dental care that focuses on proper guidance in addition to offering valuable dental services. To arrange an appointment or consultation with Dr. Chen for yourself or your child, call Illume Dental in McKinney, TX, today at (469) 301-1255.