McKinney Dentist | Fighting Tooth Decay And Gum Disease By Flossing
As effective as good brushing habits can be for preventing oral health problems, flossing can target areas of your teeth you may struggle to reach by brushing alone. Every time you floss, you clear away the oral bacteria that reside between teeth, as well as any food particles that might be stuck. By doing this, you protect these spaces from cavities, and you lower your risk for developing poor periodontal health. With better oral health practices at home, you can keep your smile in better shape, which can lead to good news at your next routine dental checkup with your McKinney, TX dentist.
Understanding The Role Flossing Plays In Your Efforts To Keep Your Smile In Good Health
Flossing protects the spaces between your teeth from problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Each time you clear away oral bacteria and food debris from these spaces, you also reduce your risk for tartar formation. Of course, if you want to receive the full benefits of flossing, make sure you move the string vertically, and take care to clear away any harmful particles at the base of your teeth. If you fail to address your gum line while you floss, you may not have the protection against gum disease that you think you do.
Better Care At Home Is Not A Substitute For Routine Dental Exams
Better oral care habits can make it less likely your dentist will find a problem with your oral health during a routine checkup. With that said, you should not see your daily habits as a replacement for professional treatment. Every time you see your dentist, you enjoy a thorough review, and a detailed cleaning of your teeth, which can help you ensure that your smile stays in better shape.
Talk To Illume Dental About Improving Your Efforts To Fight Tooth Decay And Gum Disease
If you want to make sure your smile stays healthy, schedule routine dental exams. During every visit to Illume Dental, you can enjoy the kind of preventive care that will help you preserve the condition of your teeth, and avoid problems that might require restorative treatment. To arrange an appointment with Dr. Chen, call Illume Dental in McKinney, TX, today at (469) 301-1255. We are happy to care for patients from McKinney, TX, as well as Allen, Plano, Frisco, and all surrounding communities.