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Are You Having A Hard Time Making Your Smile Whiter?

Even though you are effectively preventing cavities, you seem to be unable to remove the stains that have developed on your enamel. Your attempts to remove them with store bought whitening agents and whitening toothpastes have led to limited results, and you still feel that your smile appears dull or unhealthy. Is it time to give up hope that you can show off a set of bright, white teeth? At our McKinney, TX dental office, we can talk to you about the benefits of a professional whitening treatment. With the potent bleaching agents provided at our office, we can safely and effectively address stains that have persisted on your teeth. The result can provide you with a stunning smile that you are eager to start showing off as often as possible!

Your Favorite Foods And Beverages Can Leave Stains On Your Enamel

Because so many popular foods and beverages are able to leave stains behind, it can be difficult to completely avoid a risk for discoloration. If you are a regular drinker of soft drinks, coffee, red wine, or tea, you are regularly in contact with items that can stain your enamel. Dark and color-rich foods are also able to leave particles that affect your smile color. While consistent and effective brushing can remove particles before they settle, you may still see negative changes, even if your efforts are keeping you cavity-free.

Store Bought Whitening Products And Toothpastes Can Have Limited Benefits

The professional whitening agents available from your dentist are able to remove stains that store bought products leave in place. If you have made past efforts with store bought products, you may have seen some results…just not the outcome you truly wanted, or expected. These items can do little beyond helping you remove surface stains. With an at-home whitening kit from your dentist, or an in-office whitening procedure, you can more effectively treat your teeth, and finally enjoy a solution for stains that have already settled.

Your Discoloration May Be Due To Something Other Than Stains

Sometimes, a patient’s discoloration can be traced to something other than stains from their favorite foods or beverages. If something other than stains is affecting your smile, we can talk to you about finding a different cosmetic dental procedure to help you. For example, if you have a tooth that has changed color after an injury, a dental bonding and contouring procedure can allow your dentist to address its color, and also correct any other visible flaws from damage. Porcelain veneers are also often effective against this type of problem, which can be referred to as intrinsic discoloration.

Illume Dental Can Help You Show Off A Whiter Smile!

At Illume Dental in McKinney, TX, we are ready to help our patients see great smile improvements through cosmetic work! If you have questions, or if you would like to arrange a treatment, please call us at (469) 301-1255.